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2022 Field Trip Feedback
Thank you for visiting the Heritage Museum of Orange County with your students this year! We appreciate your honest input while continuing to develop our program offerings and in providing the quality educational experiences you expect. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.
Reservation Process
Was the program easy to book?
Do you feel 1 week before your program and 1 week after was sufficient time to access your field trip educational resources?
How navigable did you find our Programs webpage?
Was the Programs Team helpful to you prior to your program?
Educational Value of Program
Was the virtual content useful in providing pre-program instruction to your students?
Do you feel the instruction and activities provided formed a cohesive program experience for your students?
Was the in-person instruction presented by museum docents understandable to yourself and your students?
Was the in-person instruction presented by museum docents understandable to yourself and your students?
On-site Program Procedures
How substantial was the field trip preparation recommended on the part of teachers and chaperones?
How navigable did you find the group-based rotations?
Were the teacher- and chaperone-led scripts and activites easily communicable to your students?
How would you rate the level of historical and educational immersion your program provided?
Overall reaction of educators to programOverall reaction of educators to program
Overall reaction of students to programOverall reaction of students to program
Would you like to receive a response from Heritage Museum with regards to your comments/suggestions?
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